Stasis Subclass Unlock

Self Play
This service can only be delivered in piloted mode because it requires a considerable time investment or a skill set unavailable for most customers.
We have completed thousands of orders using the piloted mode and never faced any bans or suspensions, so we can confidently say that is very safe to use even though giving us your login information may seem a bit scary.
Total price: $


Stasis Subclass is the latest subclass added to Destiny 2 in Beyond Light expansion. When you unlock Stasis you will discover your Guardian's new Dark Powers. Revenant for Hunters, Behemoth for Titans and Shadebinder for Warlock have a very different way to be set-up than the Light classes had; instead of choosing a top, middle or bottom tree now you will have to customise your subclass by choosing aspects, fragments and one grenade, and all need to be unlocked by completing different quests.

As for delivery, this service is available with Piloted mode ONLY, with account sharing, so a booster will have to log into your account and Unlock Stasis Subclass for you. When it's complete you will get an e-mail and notification so you can log back in.

ETA for the Stasis Subclass Unlocks service is up to 48 hours depending on how many upgrades you want to unlock and the orders we already have in queue.


  • Born in Darkness Quest Completion 100% Guaranteed.
  • Access to Aspect of Control Quest.
  • Rare and Legendary raid loot.
  • Glimmer, consumables and resources that might drop during the service.
  • XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
Guardian / Aspect Aspect of Control Aspect of Destruction Aspect of Influence Aspect of Interference
HUNTERS Shatterdive Winter’s Shroud Grim Harvest Touch of Winter
TITANS Cryoclasm Tectonic Harvest Howl of the Storm Diamond Lance
WARLOCKS Iceflare Bolts Frostpulse Bleak Watcher Glacial Harvest
Whisper of Hedrons
Whisper of Bonds
Whisper of Fissures
Whisper of Durance
Whisper of Refraction
Whisper of Shards
Whisper of Conduction
Whisper of Hunger
Whisper of Rending
Whisper of Rime
Glacier Grenade
Duskfield Grenade
Coldsnap Grenade

ATTENTION!!! FRAGMENT DROPS ARE RANDOM - You can select the number of fragment quests you want us to complete but we can't guarantee which fragment will drop.


  • Platform: from the dropdown you can select the platform (PC, Xbox or Play Station) where you want the booster to complete your Null Composure Fusion Rifle farming service.
  • Characters: - for 1 character you will pay the full price, for 2 characters you will get a 10% discount and for 3 characters the discount is 15%
  • Aspects Unlock: tick / untick which Aspects you wish to be unlocked.
  • Grenades Unlock: use the slider to add Duskfield Grenade & Coldsnap Grenade to your service. We will complete "Born in darkness" parts 1,2 and 3 and unlock both grenades for you.
  • Fragments Unlock: use the slider to add Fragments to your service.
  • Add Beyond Light Campaign Completion - We will complete the campaign with your guardian in case it's not completed.
  • Unlock Stasis Upgrades - We will complete the Born in Darkness Quest and get access to the subclass upgrades.
  • Salvation's Grip Exotic Grenade Launcher - We will obtain the exotic grenade launcher needed to unlock the subclass upgrades.


  • In order to be eligible for this boosting service, you must own Beyond Light expansion on your Destiny 2 account and the Campaign Completed. Also you need to have the Born in Darkness Quest completed.
  • The Power Level of your guardian must be minimum 1800. If you are not 1800+ you can purchase a Power Level Boost.
  • Salvation's Grip Exotic Grenade Launcher is also required.


The path to unlock the upgrades is pretty straightforward, as you need to: have the Destiny 2 Beyond Light Campaign completed, have the Salvation's Grip Exotic Grenade Launcher on your account and to have completed the Born in Darkness Quest.

All the items that drop for the whole duration of the boost will be saved on your account.

We don’t guarantee any specific items drop unless you select one from the configurator, all the loot you end up with is random.

This boosting service is available for both piloted and self-played modes. For extra security, if needed, we can also use VPN of your country if piloted mode is your choice.

The first ASPECT that you can unlock is the Aspect of Control which unlocks:

  • Shatterdive for HUNTERS: Activate while midair to quickly descend and shatter nearby targets on impact.
  • Cryoclasm for TITANS: Enables longer and more powerful slide. Sliding into Stasis crystals or frozen targets shatters them and any nearby frozen targets.
  • Iceflare Bolts for WARLOCKS: Shattering a frozen target spawns seekers that track and freeze other nearby targets.

The second ASPECT that you can unlock (Borin in Darkness Part 4) is the Aspect of Destruction which unlocks:

  • Winter’s Shroud for HUNTERS: Dodging slows nearby targets.
  • Tectonic Harvest for TITANS: Shattering a Stasis crystal creates a Stasis shard. This shard grants melee energy when picked up by you or your allies.
  • Frostpulse for WARLOCKS: Casting your Rift generates a shockwave that freezes nearby combatants.

The third ASPECT that you can unlock is the Aspect of Influence which unlocks:

  • Grim Harvest for HUNTERS: When you kill slowed or frozen targets, you create Stasis shards.
  • Howl of the Storm for TITANS: When you have a melee ability ready and you slide, you will create a line of Stasis, not unlike a glacier grenade.
  • Bleak Watcher for WARLOCKS: Allows you to convert your grenade into a stationary Stasis turret that will freeze enemies for you.

The fourth ASPECT that you can unlock is the Aspect of Interference which unlocks:

  • Touch of Winter for HUNTERS: Your Glacier, Duskfield, and Coldsnap grenades have enhanced functionality. Glacier adds a Stasis crystal and changes the formation; Duskfield increases slow-field size and creates a small Stasis crystal on impact; Coldsnap Seeker travels further, faster, and chains one additional time.
  • Diamond Lance for TITANS: Shatter or defeat targets with Stasis abilities to create a Stasis Lance. Throw the lance to freeze targets on impact or slam the lance to the ground to freeze targets in a small area.
  • Glacial Harvest for WARLOCKS: Freezing targets creates Glacial Shards around the frozen targets. Higher tier combatants create more shards.

The GRENADES that you can unlock are:

  • Glacier Grenade: A grenade that creates a wall of Stasis crystals that will freeze enemies in the area. This grenade is unlocked at the end of Beyond Light Campaign.
  • Duskfield Grenade: A grenade that shatters on impact, leaving behind a field that slows targets and freezes those who do not leave the volume.
  • Coldsnap Grenade: A grenade that freezes on impact and sends another seeker to find and freeze targets.

The FRAGMENTS that you can unlock are:

  • Whisper of Hedrons: Gain a bonus to weapon damage after freezing a target with Stasis.
  • Whisper of Bonds: Defeating frozen targets with weapons grants you Super energy.
  • Whisper of Fissures: Increases the damage and size of the burst of [Stasis].
  • Whisper of Durance: Slow from your abilities lasts longer. For those abilities that linger, their duration will also increase.
  • Whisper of Refraction: Defeating slowed or frozen targets grants you class ability energy.
  • Whisper of Shards: Shattering a [Stasis] Stasis crystal temporarily boosts your grenade recharge rate.
  • Whisper of Conduction: Nearby [Stasis] Stasis shards track to your position.
  • Whisper of Hunger: Increases the melee energy gained from picking up [Stasis] Stasis shards.
  • Whisper of Rending: Kinetic weapons do increased damage to [Stasis] Stasis crystals and frozen targets.
  • Whisper of Rime: Collecting a [Stasis] Stasis shard grants a small amount of overshield, which falls off after 10 seconds. Collecting additional shards adds to the overshield and refreshes the timer.

For a more extensive guide about the Stasis Subclass you can watch this Video and read this Article.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can you buy stasis subclass upgrades?
Yes you can. Kboosting's pro players will unlock any stasis subclass element you need. We can unlock aspects, grenades and fragments lightning-fast, at cheap prices.
Can i choose which fragment i want to unlock?
The answer is no, fragments are random drops, but on the bright side there are only 6 of them so you can purchase 6 fragments unlocks from us and have all of them unlocked.
How long does it take to upgrade my stasis subclass completly?
Supposing you already completed the Beyond Light campaign and got your Salvation's Grip, it won't take us more than 48 hours to fully unlock your subclass.
Are there any requirements for the subclass unlock service?
In order to unlock your aspects, fragments and grenades you must be 1180 power, Beyond Light campaign has to be completed, Savations Grip exotic might be needed for some upgrades, and you need to have the "Born in Darkness" quest completed to gain acesss to the upgrades.
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