Old Raids Bundle

The Old Raids in Destiny 2 are Vow of the Disciple, Vault of Glass, Deep Stone Crypt (DSC), Last Wish, Garden of Salvation (GoS), and King's Fall (KF). These raids will get you a high amount of Spoils of Conquest, a currency that you can use to buy old raid exotics like the Anarchy, Legend of Acrius, Tarrabah, etc. Also, you will get Raid Specific Weapons, Armors & Armor Mods. Also, you have chances to get the 100k Voices Exotic Fusion Rifle after GoS completion, Vex Mythoclast for VoG completion, Eyes of Tomorrow Exotic Rocket Launcher after DSC completion and Key to Divinity Quest completion to get Divinity Exotic Trace Rifle.
Our service will get you a Pro Booster that will complete all the old Raids for you or will carry you through all the old Raids, depending on what Delivery mode you choose.
The service is available with Self-Play mode, so the booster will carry you through all the old Raids, or Piloted mode, with account sharing, so a booster will have to log into your account and complete the Raids for you.
ETA for old Raid Bundle is 24 - 48 hours.
- Spoils of Conquest.
- Opportunities for Collective Obligation - Exotic Pulse Rifle.
- Chances to get Vex Mythoclast - Exotic Fusion Rifle.
- Chances to get 100k Voices - Exotic Fusion Rifle.
- Chances to get Eyes of Tomorrow - Exotic Rocket Launcher.
- Key to Divinity Quest completion.
- Chances to get Touch of Malice Exotic scout rifle.
- Raid Specific Weapons
- Raid Armors & Armor Mods
- Legendary Weapons & Armors acquired during the service.
- Glimmer, Consumables, and Resources might drop during the service.
- XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
- Platform – from the dropdown, you can select where you want the booster to complete your Veles-X Boosting service (PC, Xbox or Play Station).
- Characters: - for 1 character you will pay the full price, for 2 characters you will get a 10% discount and for 3 characters the discount is 15%
- Options: you can remove any of the Raids that you already completed from the Bundle to reduce the price.
- Extra Options: The booster can open all Secret Chests for you.
- Delivery Speed: Normal - your order will be placed in the queue and be completed when it's your turn. Express - your order will be treated as a high priority, so the first booster to become available will start your order.
- The Power Level of your guardian must be a minimum of 1805. If you are not 1810+, you can purchase a Power Level Boost.
For a more extensive guide about the Raids you can watch these videos: Vault of Glass; Deep Stone Crypt; Last Wish; Garden of Salvation; Vow of the Disciple; King's Fall;