Flamekeeper Title (Seal)

Our Flamekeeper Title boosting service helps you unlock the Solstice Seal lightning-fast. We will complete all the seasonal Triumphs in the quickly and efficiently without using any hacks or exploiting any bugs.
As for Delivery, this boosting service is available with Piloted Mode ONLY. Piloted Mode requires Account sharing, so one booster will have to log in to your account and get the title.
When it's complete, you will get an e-mail and notification so you can log back in.
The ETA for Flamekeeper Title service is variable, from 1 day to even a couple of weeks depending on how many triumphs you have already completed.
- The Flamekeeper Title unlock 100% Guaranteed
- The selected Triumphs completed
- Rare and Legendary drops we loot during the service.
- Increased chances of Exotic Armor and Masterworking materials.
- Glimmer, consumables, and resources that drop during the service.
- XP for your Season Pass and Artifact.
- Platform: - from the dropdown, you can select the platform (PC, Xbox or Play Station) where you want the booster to complete your Flamekeeper title service.
- Service Mode: you can select the full Flamekeeper title completion or specific Triumphs completion.
- Select Triumphs: if you choose Triumph completion, you can select any Triumph(s), and we will complete it.
- Delivery Speed: Normal Delivery - your order will be placed in the queue and be completed when it's your turn. Express Delivery - your order will be treated as a high priority, so the first booster to become available will start your order.
- Season of the Deep expansion on your Destiny 2 account.
There are 18 triumphs that you need to complete to get the Flamekeeper Title. Below you can find a list of all Solstice triumphs:
- Bashing Success - Complete the Bonfire Bash Activity.
- Good Ignite - Defeat Ignition Carriers in the Bonfire Bash.
- Torch the Taken - Defeat Taken in the Bonfire Bash.
- Fuel for the Fire - Stoke the flames in the Bonfire Bash.
- Ash Tray - Collect Silver Ash.
- Fuel for the Fire II - Stoke more flames in the Bonfire Bash.
- Fuel for the Fire III - Stoke even more flames in the Bonfire Bash.
- Like Wildfire - Defeat targets anywhere in the system. Defeating Guardians awards bonus progress.
- Superlative - Defeat Combatants with Super Abilities.
- Forged in Flame - Defeat opposing Guardians in any activity.
- Hand Lighter - Defeat targets with Hand Cannons
- Burn Them Down - Defeat Bosses anywhere in the system.
- Raking the Coals - Complete Playlist activities to earn Silver Leaves.
- Dare to Dream - Complete runs of the Blind Well or Dares of Eternity to earn Silver Leaves.
- Brightfall - Complete Vanguard Ops or Nightfalls to earn Silver Leaves.
- Fires of Competition - Complete matches in Crucible or Gambit playlists to earn Silver Leaves.
- A Spark in the Dark - Complete Sever Missions or rounds of Altars of Sorrow to earn Silver Leaves.
- In the Hot Seat - Complete activities within the Throne World to earn Silver Leaves
There are 4 triumphs that you have to complete to Gild the Flamekeeper Title:
- From the Ashes - Upgrade multiple pieces of Candescent Armor.
- Bonfire Dash - Fully stoke the bonfire in the Bonfire Bash activity.
- Sunlight'em Up - While wearing a set of fully rekindled Sunlit armor, complete dungeons, raids, Master or Grandmaster Nightfalls, or win rounds in Trials of Osiris.
- Inextinguishable - Complete the Bonfire Bash activity without dying.
For a more extensive guide about Flamekeeper Title, you can read this ARTICLE.